March 31, 2025

The Miami Dolphins handled their business on the field on Sunday. As Commanders fans just showed up and Dolphins fans took over the stadium, it was definitely an unusual world both on and off the field.

Dolphins fans know how the game turned out. It was fun and exciting and this was the first game my 12-year-old son has ever attended. I hope he doesn’t believe this is what normal games are like now. Our game seats were on the lower level, right near the 50-yard line. “Normally we sit up there, but this one is special,” I said, pointing to the upper deck.


I normally don’t do these types of articles where I talk about other fans or even the experience of going to a game but I have to say, in all my 54 years, I have never experienced what I did on Sunday.

My son and I sat in the middle of the row. Seats 15 and 14 of row 16 and I think we pretty much experienced the entire Washington fanbase from those seats.

Apparently, according to some of the fans I spoke with, the visiting team typically has a much bigger turnout or at least an equal one to the Commanders’ home team fans. As one fan said, “You should see this place when the Eagles and Cowboys visit!”

There were more Dolphins supporters in front of them and behind them. It was completely insane. There was an ocean of orange and aqua everywhere I looked.

The top supporters to stand in for the Commanders.

A small youngster and his father were the two Commanders fans standing right in front of me. The two were from Weston, Virginia, and the little boy stated that he hasn’t seen a truly great team yet. His father had been a lifelong Washington fan. He was quite similar in age to my son, so every time the Dolphins scored, I felt bad for the little guy.

With a rolled head, each scorer turned to face his father or turn to us and said, “That was nice.” He made the comment, “I should become a Dolphins fan,” a few times. It was great as we joked back and forth with them all.

The German foreigner.

There was an ordinary fan sitting one seat to the right and in front of me. I asked him if he was from Miami because he didn’t wear any team uniforms but he appeared somewhat familiar. It turns out that he is a German Dolphins fanatic. When he arrived in D.C. for his stopover, he discovered that the Dolphins were actually playing in Washington, not Miami, even though he had flown to Miami to see the game.

With relative ease, he obtained a ticket to FedEx Field and was heading to Miami following the game.

There’ll always be a few inebriated supporters.

The row on my right remained empty the whole warm-up. Then the game began to fill up, and the guy sitting right next to me was one of those “loving” drunks who, to be honest, couldn’t have cared less about the game.


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