July 5, 2024

News Flash: A Clear and Shocking Message to Shohei….

 News Flash: Urgent Message Regarding Hiroshi Sasaki’s.

To Coach Hiroshi Sasaki.

We regret to inform you of a distressing situation regarding your son. As of now, he has been kidnapped. This message serves as both a notification and a warning.

The safety and well-being of your son depend on your actions.

This is not a negotiation. We demand that Shohei be withdrawn from the upcoming games indefinitely. Any attempts to involve law enforcement or other authorities will result in dire consequences for your son.


Our demands are clear and non-negotiable. We expect compliance within the next 24 hours. Should you fail to cooperate, the consequences will be severe and irreversible.


Contact will be established shortly through secure channels to confirm your understanding and compliance. Any deviation from these instructions will result in immediate and irrevocable harm to your son.

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