July 3, 2024

Eels of Parramatta ad According to Junior Paulo, Sonny Bill Williams’ effusive praise left him speechless before his boxing match on Saturday night in Townsville.

Paulo, 29, was shocked when Williams stated the enforcer was talented enough to carve himself a career in the ring. Paulo will face former Broncos front-rower Ben Hannant as part of the Battle on the Reef undercard.

“Junior Paulo has my utmost respect and consideration.” He is effective in the ring. He has those fast-twitch fibers, just like all the Islanders, and quick hands, Williams noted.

“JP, he’s one who could actually take up a little bit of a career in boxing because he knows his way around it,” the teacher said.

Paulo was moved by the remarks and expressed his star-struckness at the cross-code player, who in addition to winning two Rugby World Cups and two NRL championships also had a successful boxing career with nine victories from ten fights.

We are all aware of his aura. He has had success in a variety of sporting disciplines.

Everyone is aware of his actions on the football field. It’s quite cool, and yes, I feel a little star struck by it.

Fans of the Eels shouldn’t worry too much about Paulo’s playing future because he has no immediate plans to leave the NRL.

I’m a footy player first and foremost, he remarked.

When these possibilities arise, you tend to relish the challenge and the accompanying training.

Of course staying in shape during the off-season is beneficial. It seems that following my initial fight [with Paul Gallen in 2016], I performed reasonably well, according to everyone.

So why not just keep seizing these chances as they present themselves?

A question regarding Steve Edge’s mob is posed.

How would they fare against the current Penrith team if the great Parramatta three-peat team he led had benefited from all the advantages of sports science that come with being a professional athlete today?

The 1981–1983 champs would “definitely give them a shake,” Edge remarked.

“You simply need to look at the back line: in the back, there are excellent players in their own right in Peter Sterling, Brett Kenny, Eric Grothe, Steve Ella, Neil Hunt, and Paul Taylor.

“The front group is just as challenging. Even Penrith would be content to switch over a few players.

The outstanding Parramatta halfback Sterling gives this.



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