July 1, 2024

Morgan Whittaker has a successful debut with Plymouth.
The forward joined the Pilgrims at the beginning of last season, and over the following few months, he flourished, tallying nine goals and seven assists to put Plymouth in the automatic promotion spots come January.

Whittaker wanted to stay, but Swansea decided to recall him. Under Russell Martin, he was unable to solidify himself as a regular.

The 22-year-old returned to Home Park permanently after considerable discussion during the summer, and it seems to be a wise move on the part of Steven Schumacher.

Whittaker has already contributed to seven goals in eight games after scoring a hat-trick against Norwich on Saturday. His overall performance was also quite strong.

Additionally, EFL analyst Clarke voiced his amazement that Plymouth were able to strike a contract while appearing on the “What the EFL?! ” podcast.

“We’ve all seen coaches and organizations fire talented players, but Swansea’s decision to not deploy Morgan Whittaker raises some interesting questions. I don’t want to heap praise on Russell Martin, but he’s a great player and I believe Plymouth gave him the opportunity to show that he is more than capable of having an impact on games at this level.

“The fact that they were willing to sell him looks like a really bad bit of business, but it’s Plymouth gain because he fits into their style of play perfectly,” said the author.


Parkin, another EFL authority, echoed similar ideas as he posed a query that many Swansea supporters are likely considering.

How in the world was that let to happen?

Swansea reportedly misses Morgan Whittaker.
Whittaker is obviously a major loss for Swansea given that the Welsh team is now only one spot above the relegation zone.

While they are having a difficult time winning games, they will be watching recently promoted Plymouth sit in the middle of the league and have a young player in Whittaker who consistently contributes at the Championship level.

Michael Duff can’t be held responsible for this, of course, but you can bet that some people are questioning why Martin didn’t give the former Derby player more of an opportunity while he was in charge.

However, Swansea supporters will have discussed this issue numerous times, and there is nothing they can do at this time.

It’s also obvious that Whittaker wanted to leave, so it makes sense why the club pounced this summer because they didn’t want to keep a player who believed his future lay elsewhere.

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