July 8, 2024

Regarding West Ham’s transfer mission to acquire a new striker to replace Michail Antonio, David Moyes has been completely transparent.

It feels like the same old thing all the time when it comes to West Ham and their strikers.
Last summer, Gianluca Scamacca became the 51st striker to sign with West Ham in the previous 13 years, adding his name to a long list.

However, he was moved to Atalanta after just one season at West Ham after falling out of favor there like way too many others.

That he was not replaced says it everything about West Ham’s struggles to find a suitable forward.

David Moyes discusses in detail West Ham’s transfer quest to get a new striker to take Michail Antonio’s spot.
That’s even though the majority of supporters and analysts have long agreed that the Hammers should prioritize acquiring a top striker.

It appears like Michail Antonio’s time as a Premier League forward is over at almost 34 and he hasn’t scored a goal since August.

Divin Mubama, a rising star, is refusing to agree to a new contract. And let’s not even discuss Danny Ings with West Ham supporters.
Many strikers have been linked to West Ham both in the summer and before the January transfer window.

Based on the manager’s remarks, it appears that he is eager to fortify this position.
Regarding West Ham’s transfer mission to acquire a new striker to replace Antonio, David Moyes has been completely transparent.

However, he acknowledges that it’s really challenging and that there aren’t many talented people in that role globally.

“There’s not really been a good market out there to buy and probably people have written that we need a new striker. Dead easy to say, dead hard to find to get someone who will work for you immediately…

“It’s hard to get exactly what you want, centre-forwards especially. That’s why I hope if we can’t find it, Jarrod (Bowen) might help fill the gap going forward.”

“There hasn’t really been a strong market for purchases, and it’s likely that some have stated that we require a new striker. Dead simple to say, dead difficult to locate someone who can start working for you right away…

It’s challenging, particularly for center-forwards, to acquire precisely what they want. That’s why I’m hoping Jarrod (Bowen) could step in and assist cover the void if we can’t find it.


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